In March and April 2021, Terracon conducted a cultural resource assessment survey (CRAS) of the approximately 96-acre PCS Properties East Tract in Chatham County, Georgia (Figure 1.1). According to the Chatham County Tax Assessor (CCTA), the parcels ID number is I 0816 0 I 003 and I 0818 0 IO 13. The investigation was undertaken on behalf of AECOM Technical Services, Inc., in anticipation of complying with Federal regulations. The proposed project undertaking is the construction of a cargo container storage facility (Figure 1.2). The project undertaking would result in paving most of the project area, including the addition of new roadways and impacting aquatic features identified within the project boundaries.
The goals of the survey were to locate, delineate, identify and evaluate all cultural resources within the proposed project area, and to assess their significance and potential eligibility for listing in the National Register of Historic Places.
The term "cultural resources" as used herein is meant to refer to sites or objects that are archaeological, architectural, and/or historical in nature. All work will comply with the cultural resource provisions of Section I 06 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (PL 89-190, as amended) and its implementing regulation 36 CFR Part 800 (Protection of Historic Properties). The Principal Investigator meets the Secretary of the Interior's Standards and Guidelines for Archaeology and Historic Preservation (36 CFR Part 61 ).
The proposed Area of Potential Effects (APE) for this project includes the property boundaries which designate the direct effect area, and the bordering parcels/resources comprise the area of indirect effects. Prior to fieldwork, a search of the Georgia Archaeological Site File (GASF) and Georgia's Natural and Historic Resource GIS (GNAHRGIS) identified no previously recorded cultural resources within the project area. Fieldwork consisted of a pedestrian inspection along with metal detection and 84 shovel tests. Architectural survey methods consisted of a review of the CCTA website, Savannah Area GIS (SAGIS) a review of the GASF, GNAHRGIS for any previously recorded resources, and a pedestrian investigation to field verify all architectural resources within the project area. The fieldwork was conducted by archaeologists Brian McNamara and Joshua Newman under the direction of Brent Handley, who served as Principal Investigator.
As a result of the survey, two archaeological sites were encountered, 9CH 1544 and 9CHJ 545. The Kaiser Chemical Facility (9CH 1545), consists of concrete pads. This resource is recommended as not eligible for the NRHP and no further work is recommended. The Whitehall/Fairlawn Rice Plantation (9CH 1544) was encountered in the southeastern corner of the tract and is identified by earthworks associated with rice cultivation. This site is recommended eligible for the NRHP and will be adversely impacted by the proposed project. In anticipation of mitigation efforts for this resource, a Photographic Permanent Archival Record (PAR) study was conducted, and follows this report in Appendix A.
Resources encountered in the vicinity of the parcel include the Savannah Atlantic Railway, the Pipemakers Canal (9CH877), and a historic road which traverses across the tract. The project impacts would have no adverse effect to the first two resources as they are not within the immediate project boundaries, nor the historic road as it is not considered as a historic property. The Savannah Atlantic Railway will be impacted by a new road crossing (Figure 1.2), but the effect is not adverse as per the State Railroad Historic Context and Statewide Survey (Georgia Railroad context, 2018).