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Archaeological Evaluation, Emergency Repair of Bohler Road, Collier Road, and Chattahoochee Avenue, Fulton County, GA, FHWA Emergency Response Program

Report Number
Year of Publication

The projects provided emergency repairs to bridges on Bohler Road, Collier Road, and Chattahoochee Avenue in the city of Atlanta, Georgia.

The Bohler Road bridge over Peachtree Creek is located south of Peachtree Battle A venue and between Battleview Drive and Hanover West Drive. Flooding caused erosion at the stream. To repair the damage, riprap was placed at abutment 1 and bents 2 and 3. Debris was removed from bent 2 and under the bridge beams. The area of repair was approximately 35 feet long by 10 feet wide on the faces of bents 1 and 3 and on both sides of bent 2, equaling 1400 square feet. Approximately 75 percent of the material was replacement for what was eroded. All work occurred within the existing right-of-way.

The Collier Road bridge over Peachtree Creek is located between Overbrook Drive and Redland Road. Flooding caused erosion and undermining of the pavement at the bridge approach. To repair the damage, riprap protection was installed at the eroded areas of the approach and at the wingwall. The approximate area of repair was 20 feet long by 15 feet wide at the bridge approach and wingwall, equaling 300 square feet. Approximately 75 percent of the added material was replacement for what was eroded. All work occurred within the existing right-of way.

The Chattahoochee A venue bridge over a tributary to Peachtree Creek is located between Carroll Drive and Southland Circle. Flooding caused erosion and undermining of the embankment near the wingwall. To repair the damage, riprap protection was installed at the eroded areas of the approach and at the wingwall and debris was removed. The approximate area of repair was 25 feet long by 15 feet wide at the inlet wingwall and abutment, equaling 375 feet. Approximately 75 percent of the added material was replacement for what was eroded. All work occurred within the existing right-of-way.