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Phase I Archaeological Survey for the Proposed Audia Spur Rail Construction in Walker

Report Number
Year of Publication

The proposed project takes place off of the existing Central of Georgia Railroad track into an area of new location (Figures 1- 3). The existing railroad runs roughly parallel to the west of State Route (SR) 1/US 27, approximately 2.5 miles south of Rock Spring. The proposed project proposes the construction of a spur railroad to serve a business park. The spur begins just south of where the railroad crosses Glass Road, a local road off the west side of SR 1/US 27. It continues south with a curve to the west to run roughly parallel to the planned future site of the Audia facility within the business park. The required railroad right-of-way (ROW) in the new location portion of the railroad spur is SO feet along the centerline of the spur (25 feet either side of centerline). The length of the spur is approximately 0.5 mile (2670 feet).