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HOPE VI: 168-Unit Multi-Family Housing Project, Savannah Chatham County, Georgia GA-030211-002

Report Number
Year of Publication

The Housing Authority of Savannah has committed to building a mixed-income community in the Benjamin Van Clark Park Neighborhood of Savannah. TRC recently discovered the Waters Avenue sites (9CH1066 and 9CH1067) during Phase I and Phase II archaeological studies at selected HOPE VI parcels (Stanyard 2005). Initial investigations indicated that sites 9CH1 066 and 9CH 1067 contained intact archaeological deposits dating to the eighteenth and nineteenth century. Both sites also appeared to represent occupations that began sometime around the third quarter of the nineteenth century and continued into the mid-twentieth century. Since the features at these sites represented a relatively narrow window of time, they afford the opportunity to obtain important archaeological information on the economic, political, and social status of the occupants on the periphery of Savannah. These deposits did not ยท appear to be contaminated with material from later occupations, and it appeared likely that they can be closely tied to specific site occupants identified through historical research. Thus, the sites displayed excellent integrity in terms of space, time, and occupation (Joseph et al. 2004:221-222).