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A Phase I Archaeological Survey of the Chapel Hill Road 115/25 kV Substation

Report Number
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Georgia Transmission Corp. (GTC) proposes to construct the Chapel Hill Road 115/25 kV Substation south of Douglasville, Georgia. GTC must prepare a Borrower's Environmental Report and the project requires a US Army Corps of Engineers Section 404 permit. The National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (NHP A) requires that federally-permitted project areas must be investigated at a level adequate to determine if cultural resources eligible for the National Register of Historical Places (NRHP) will be affected. Greenhorne & O'Mara conducted a Phase I archeological survey of the area of potential effect (APE) in order to document the presence or absence of potentially significant archaeological resources. Historic resources were addressed in a separate survey. In accordance with the Archaeology Assessment Report Guidelines and Components (GaSHPO 1993) the survey consisted a literature and records search, intensive field survey of the project area, data analysis and curation arrangements, and compliance-level reporting.