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Archaeological Survey for Proposed High Occupancy Vehicle Lanes on I-75 from Mount Zion Boulevard Clayton County to Crown Road Fulton County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

Terracon conducted a Phase I Archaeological Survey in preparation for the widening of 1-75 between Mt. Zion Boulevard, Clayton County and Crown Road, Fulton County in accordance with a contract from PBS&J and GDOT. A distance of approximately 14.6 km (8.9 miles) was surveyed adjacent to the existing 1-75 ROW where new ROW would be acquired. The survey was conducted in preparation for the construction of High Occupancy Vehicle lanes in both directions along existing Georgia Department of Transportation right-of-way. The project Area of Potential Effect (APE) was determined based on client-supplied concept drawings. It is the ROW of 1-75 between Mt. Zion Boulevard, Clayton County and Crown Road, Fulton County and any additional ROW that is to be acquired. Most of the APE is previously disturbed. The purpose of this survey was to locate archaeological resources within the APE and to make recommendations concerning their eligibility for listing on the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). One historic archaeological site, 9CN182, was found during the survey and no isolated finds were discovered. The portion of archaeological site 9CN182 that lies within area of potential effect (APE) is unlikely to yield any useful or significant information regarding cultural activity of the area or region. However, the maximum extent of 9CN182 is unknown because it extends outside of the project APE. Therefore, the National Register of Historic Places status of 9CN182 is unknown. No further archaeological testing is recommended within the project APE.