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SR 1/US 27 from CR 526/Central Road North to Dixie Street

Report Number
Year of Publication

The proposed project is to identify capacity or operational deficiencies along a section of SR 1/SR 16/US 27 from a point north of the Dixie Street intersection, southward to the SR 166 Bypass, in the city of Carrollton (Figures 1 and 2). The amount of required right-of-way (ROW), and any required easements, will be determined once the design of the proposed project has been refined; however, the amount of required ROW is expected to be minimal.

The APE for the proposed project includes all areas within the "Environmental Survey Boundary" provided the GDOT Office of Environmental Services by GDOT Design engineers (Figure 3). This area is designed specifically to encompass all areas of possible/foreseeable ground disturbance as a result of the current project.

No archaeological resources identified: By agreement, because no archaeological resources were located within the project’s area of potential effect, no signed concurrence from the State Historic Preservation Office is required.