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Phase I Archaeological Testing at South Cobb Drive at Interstate 285 North Bound On-Ramp Improvements, Cobb County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

The proposed operational improvement project is located along South Cobb Drive/State Route (SR) 280 near its interchange with Interstate (I) 285. The project begins at the I-285 northbound (NB) on-ramp and consists of the construction of a single, 12-foot (3.7-meters) wide, 450 foot (137 meters) right-turn only lane along the north side of South Cobb Drive/SR 280. The project terminates approximately 500 feet (152 meters) east of the I-285 NB on-ramp in the vicinity of the South Cobb Drive/SR 280 and Riverview Road/Maner Road intersection. The proposed project is approximately 0.1 mile (.2 kilometer) in length. The posted speed limit along South Cobb Drive is 45 miles per hour (MPH). The three commercial driveways within the proposed 450-foot (137-meters) right-turn lane ROW would be reconstructed. Drainage structures impacted by the proposed project would be relocated within the new curb and gutter; however, the existing drainage patterns would not change. The proposed improvements are located within the existing 200 to 230 foot (61 to 70 meters) ROW; therefore, no new or additional ROW is required.

The existing lane configuration consists of four 12-foot (3.7-meters) travel lanes with a 40-foot (12.2-meters) grassed/paved median. There is a 200 foot (61 meters) long, 12-foot (3.6-meters) wide right-turn only lane with an urban shoulder (2.5-foot [.8-meter] curb and gutter, 2 feet [.6 meter] of stamped/colored concrete and a 5-foot [1.5-meters] concrete sidewalk) on the south side of South Cobb Drive/SR 280 approaching its intersection with Riverview Road. The north side of South Cobb Drive has a 2.5-foot (.8-meter) concrete curb and gutter shoulder throughout the length of the project. Existing right-of-way (ROW) varies approximately from 200 to 230 feet (61 to 70 meters).

The proposed lane configuration would consist of four 12-foot (3.7-meters) travel lanes with a 40-foot (12.2-meters) grassed/paved median and a 450-foot (137-meters) right-turn only lane with urban shoulder on the north side of South Cobb Drive/SR 280 approaching its intersection with the I-285 NB on-ramp. The lane would have a 10-foot (3.1-meters) wide urban shoulder with a 2.5-foot (.8-meter) concrete curb and gutter, 2 feet (.6 meter) of stamped/colored concrete and a 5-foot (1.5-meters) concrete sidewalk. The new sidewalk would be compliant with Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards. All proposed ROW for this project is encompassed within existing ROW.