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Bridge Replacement on SR 32 at Little 5atilla River OVerflow

Report Number
Year of Publication

This project proposes to replace the structurally deficient bridge over the Little Satilla River Overflow on SR 32 in Brantley County. It also proposes to rework the shoulders and slopes to accommodate guardrail, beginning 600 ft. west of the bridge structure, continuing over the bridge, and ending 600 ft. east of the bridge, for a total of 1,380 ft. (approximately 0.25 mile). The new ridge Is proposed to have an approximately 38-ft. wide bridge deck (two 11-ft. lanes with 8-ft. shoulders) and be 180 ft. in length. All work is proposed to take place within the existing right-of-way, which is 100 ft. wide from centerline on either side for a total right-of-way width of 200 ft. No required right-of-way or construction easement will be required.