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Phase I Archaeological Survey of Pedestrian and BicyCle Lane Improvements along SR 42/Moreland Avenue, Atlanta, DeKalb and Fulton Counties, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

The proposed project limits include an approximately 2,060 (.4 mile) stretch of Moreland Avenue from approximately 80 feet north of Mansfield A venue, to an end point at the DeKalb Avenue ramps (Figures 5-12). The section of road from Mansfield Avenue to Euclid Avenue is comprised of a four-lane section with 1 0-foot lanes. The stretch of road from Euclid Avenue to the De.Kalb Avenue ramps is a six-lane section with 10-foot lanes. The major intersection in the corridor is the meeting point of three roads; Moreland A venue, Euclid A venue, and McClendon Avenue. The three converge at an offset with a triangular plaza in the center of the intersection. Existing right-of-way (ROW) averages from 60 to 80 feet.

The proposed project would reduce the six-lane section between Euclid Avenue and the DeKalb Avenue ramps to a five-lane section with an 11-foot middle tum lane. It would also include the construction of five-foot bike lanes with a two-foot painted buffer running the length of the corridor. The project would install a pedestrian hybrid beacon, to improve pedestrian safety and connectivity along the new pathway. Sidewalk installations and improvements will correct any existing instances of unevenness, cracking, and tripping hazards. Any curb and sidewalk in acceptable condition will be preserved. To improve road conditions on Moreland Avenue, the project would consolidate some driveways to reduce/improve access points and mitigate existing safety issues along Moreland Avenue from DeKalb Avenue to McClendon Avenue. No required ROW is anticipated. Construction will require temporary easements to die in driveways and sidewalks into existing ground. All improvements would be in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements. Posted speed limits would remain 35 miles per hour.