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Second Addendum To The Phase I Archaeological Survey Of The Proposed Social Circle Bypass, Newton and Walton Counties, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

During the course of this project, several design changes have been made that have resulted in the need for additional survey. The original survey was completed in June of 2007 (Quirk 2007). Following slight modifications to the plans, an additional survey was completed five years later (Lewis 2012). The current second addendum survey was requested following additional design changes made in March 2012. What follows is the original project description, as well as descriptions of subsequent changes, as provided by Reynolds Smith & Hills, Inc.

Original Project Description (June 2007):

The proposed Social Circle Bypass project would construct a new location roadway extending north and east from State Route (SR) 11/South Cherokee Road just south of the Newton/Walton County line (mile log 13.00) in Newton County and connecting to the existing Social Circle Bypass at East Hightower Trail in Walton County. This project would complete the eastern bypass around downtown Social Circle. The project proposes to construct two 12-foot travel lanes (one in either direction) with 10-foot rural shoulders (4.0 feet paved, 6.0 feet grassed). The project would cross the following existing streets: Laurel Street, Cannon Drive/County Road (CR) 195, Thurman Baccus Road, and East Hightower Trail. The required right-of-way (ROW) for the project would vary from 120 feet to 200 feet In width (variance to accommodate turn lanes and construction limits). The total project length is 2.8 miles.

Additional Survey Project Description (March 2012):

The proposed project description includes an increase in the amount of ROW required for the project and a change in the project's northern terminus. Originally, 49.78 acres of ROW would be required for this project. Based on more detailed engineering, the actual required ROW has increased to 72.61 acres, an increase of approximately 23 acres. The additional ROW is mainly associated with the implementation of 14 sediment basins and increases to the lengths of the tie-ins at East Hightower Trail, South Cherokee Road, Thurman Baccus Road and Cannon Drive. Originally, the project would have terminated just past the intersection of East Hightower Trail and the proposed Social Circle Bypass to the tie-in at the existing northern section of the existing Social Circle Bypass. To avoid adverse impacts on a property at this intersection, the project limits were reduced approximately 900 feet and would end precisely at the intersection of East Hightower Trail and the proposed Social Circle Bypass.

Current Project Description (October 2012):

The proposed project description consists of realignments and alterations at Laurel Street and the Solo Cup Factory. At Laurel Street the project area is realigned to tie the existing Laurel Street directly to the Social Circle Bypass. This will provide connectivity and allow emergency vehicle access to Laurel Street from the Social Circle Bypass. The length of the re-alignment is approximately 175 feet. The realignment will be 20 feet wide. At the Solo Cup Factory the slopes will be further cut back in order to obtain turning sight distance for trucks. The total length of the change is 650 feet. The average width of the increased slope cut is 50 feet.