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Phase I Archaeological Survey of Proposed Intersection Improvements to SR 155 at Alston Drive, Hosea L. Williams Drive, and Kirk Road, DeKalb County, Georgia.

Report Number
Year of Publication

The proposed project includes some combinations of new signal poles, cabinets, and signal equipment upgrades, and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant wheelchair ramps on SR 155 at Alston Drive, Hosea L. Williams Drive, and Kirk Road in DeKalb County. No improvements to travel lanes or typical sections are proposed.

At the Alston Drive intersection, recent improvements include upgraded traffic signals, wheelchair ramps, and crosswalk restriping. Proposed improvements include replacing timber poles with galvanized steel poles and mast arms, and upgrading signal cabinet and equipment.

At Hosea L. Williams Drive intersection, recent improvements have included upgraded traffic signals, wheelchair ramp at the southwest corner, crosswalk restriping, and ped heads. Proposed improvements include replacing timber poles with galvanized steel poles and upgrading cabinet and equipment. ADA compliant wheelchair ramps would be constructed at the northeast, southeast, and northwest, corners of the intersection.

At the Kirk Road intersection, recent improvements have included upgraded traffic signals, wheelchair ramps, crosswalk restriping, and ped heads. Proposed improvements include replacing timber poles with galvanized steel poles and upgrading signal cabinet and equipment.