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A Phase I Cultural Resources Survey For The Proposed Alicity Group, LLC Rossville Solar Farm Project, Walker County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

On November 16 and 17, 2015, Tennessee Valley Archaeological Research (TVAR) conducted a Phase I cultural resources survey to document and assess resources located within the area of potential effects (APE) associated with Alicity Group, LLC’s (Alicity Group) proposed Rossville solar farm project in Walker County, Georgia. The APE for the archaeological survey included the Rossville Solar Farm and associated access road and consisted of 2.68 ha (6.62 acres). The APE for the architectural survey consisted of the immediate project area, in addition to any areas connected to it via viewsheds to and from the project area, located within a 0.8 km (0.5 mi) survey radius surrounding the location of the proposed solar arrays. Areas within the survey radius that were not within the view of the planned solar farm due to obstructed lines-of-sight (i.e. terrain, vegetation, and/or modern built environments) were not considered part of the architectural APE.

The architectural survey resulted in the identification of six previously undocumented architectural resources (IS-1 through IS-6) within the architectural APE. Additionally, TVAR revisited one previously documented architectural resource (62236 [WA-115]), indicated in Georgia Historic Preservation Division (GHPD) records as being located within the architectural survey radius. TVAR’s survey noted that the resource is mis-plotted with the GHPD and is located outside the architectural survey radius associated with the proposed Rossville solar farm. Based on the results of the architectural survey, it is the opinion of TVAR that properties IS-1-IS-6 are not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) due to their lack of architectural distinction and poor integrity resulting from modern alterations. It is the opinion of TVAR that the proposed undertaking will have no effect on historic architectural resources. TVAR recommends no additional investigation of above-ground resources in connection with the proposed project. No resources were identified during the archaeological survey, and as a result, TVAR recommends no further archaeological investigations within the proposed Rossville solar farm project area.