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An Initial Archaeological Reconnaissance Rincon, GA. 201 Facility Planning Area

Report Number
Year of Publication

At the request of Savannah Laboratories an Environmental Services, a preliminary archaeological survey was conducted of the Rincon, Georgia, 2010 facility planning area with specific concentration on the proposed plant site and the pipelines serving that facilities. A documentary search of the area revealed no structures or sites on the National Register of Historic Places or any additional archaeological sites which had been identified within the planning area. The Phase I survey was conducted as a preliminary verification of the documentary evidence since little work had been done within the survey area.

The survey identified two sites of minor archaeological interest along the northeastern course of one pipeline in the vicinity of the proposed plant. No other sites were identified within the planning area, probably because the lowlying land precluded human occupation in the past.

It is recommended that the work be cleared with the exception of the particular area where the sites were located which should be subjected to additional testing once the actual plant site and pipelines are located accurately on the landscape. Such additional testing might well be limited to merely verifying that the plant and pipelines do not intrude on the areas where cultural material was located.