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Lakewood Avenue Bridge Replacement Project Historic Resources Survey

Report Number
Year of Publication

This report has been prepared for Parsons Engineering Science, Inc., in compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) of 1966 and subsequent amendments.

The Lakewood Avenue Bridge Replacement Project involves the reconstruction of the Lakewood Avenue Bridge spanning the existing Norfolk Southern railroad tracks. (See Figure 1.) The previous bridge, a c. 1906 steel through truss, was destroyed in the mid-1990s. It was documented in a Jaeger Company report prepared for the

Georgia Department of Transportation entitled "The Development of Bridges and Viaducts in Atlanta, Georgia, c. 1891-1943." The site work for this study was completed in 1993-94.

The proposed project corridor consists of approaches and the bridge site and is approximately 1200 feet in length. It begins at a point on Lakewood Avenue approximately 264 feet north of its intersection with McDonough Boulevard and continues until it ties back into Milton Avenue on the opposite side of the bridge site. The proposed right-of-way for the Lakewood Avenue improvements and the bridge is 50 feet. The project calls for raising Lakewood Avenue approximately 6 feet above its present grade level.