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Bridge Replacement on S.R. 105 over Middle Fork Broad River Banks County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

GDOT Project BRST-0885(3) is on the National Highway System (NHS) and is partially federally funded. Therefore, Section 106 compliance is being processed through the Federal Highway Administration (FHW A).

The proposed project consists of the replacement of a structurally deficient bridge on SR 105 over Middle Fork Broad River, 9.6 miles north of Homer. The existing bridge, constructed in 1956, is 135' x 29.7' with a sufficiency rating of33. The existing approaches consist of a two-lane rural 24' roadway on variable existing right-of-way. This project proposes to replace the existing bridge over Middle Fork Broad River with a new 135' x 40' bridge. The replacement structure and approaches will consist of two 12' lanes with 8' shoulders. Traffic will be maintained during construction on the existing bridge and a new bridge will be constructed on new alignment to the north of the existing alignment. An additional 55' of right-of-way or easement is anticipated. Staging will be utilized to tie new alignment to SR 105.

The area of potential effects (APE), as defined in 36 CFR 800.16(d), is the geographic area or areas within which an undertaking may directly or indirectly cause changes in the character or use of historic properties if any such properties exist. Based on this definition, the nature and the scope of the undertaking, the guidance in the GDOT/FHWA Cultural Resources Survey Guidelines and past experience with similar projects, the Department has evaluated and defined the APE for this proposed project. The APE for the proposed project consists of current and proposed right of way within the project limits and the view shed of the bridge itself. No potential for indirect effects outside of this APE exists.