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Request for Determination of Eligibility for Archaeological Site 9LS219; GDOT Project, Laurens County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

Site 9LS219 is a multi - component archaeological site exhibiting Late Archaic, Woodland, and Mississippian period components. The site, which is bisected by Interstate 16 {I-16), is located on a sandy first terrace approximately 40 meters east of Turkey Creek. A portion of the site measuring approximately 91 meters by 60 meters {300 feet by 200 feet) lies within the Georgia Department of Transportation I-16 right-of-way east of Turkey Creek. The site continues on private property at least 70 meters (230 feet) beyond the southern limits and 60 meters {200 feet) beyond the northern limits of the I-16 right-of-way based on surface collection and judgmental excavation of shovel test units.

Due to the large horizontal length of the first terrace which parallels Turkey Creek to the east, definitive north/ south site boundaries could not be established with any amount of certainty.

The site does appear to be restricted to the 60 meter {200 foot) wide east / west first terrace based on systematic shovel testing within the GDOT I-16 right-of-way.