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Phase I Addendum Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Roundabout at Jodeco Road at Blackhall Road/Longwood Drive in Henry County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

The proposed project is located in Henry County at the intersection of Jodeco Road and Blackball Road/Longwood Drive. The existing intersection of Jodeco Road and Blackball Road is unsignalized and controlled with a stop movement along Blackball Road. Each roadway consists of a single 12-foot lane in each direction with flush-island separated, right-tum movements along Blackball Road. The project would improve operational efficiency by reconfiguring and realigning the intersection of Jodeco Road and Blackball Road with Longwood Drive using a modified multilane roundabout configuration. Within the roundabout, areas consisting of one travel lane would be 18 feet in width. In areas where two lanes are provided, the travel lane widths would be 16 feet wide. Right-tum bypass lanes would be provided for westbound Jodeco Road traffic and southbound Blackball Road traffic. Outside shoulders would be 10 feet in width and the roundabout would have a 75-foot radius. Required ROW would range up to 80 feet in width.

Project Changes:

The project limits have been extended approximately 200 feet to the west to allow for a tum lane from Jodeco Road onto Old Virginia Circle. As a result of this extension, 0.114 acre of additional permanent easement is being required at the project's western limit. Total project area is now 6.67.

Some additional easements for construction and driveways, including reductions and extensions, between station numbers 403+50 to 407+00 and 300+00 to 307+00 were captured by the original ESC and were therefore not included in this addendum survey.