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Archaeological Investigations ofthe Replacement of8 bridges over Rocky and Tobesofkee Creeks and their Overflows, Bibb County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

This report discusses the findings of the archaeological investigations undertaken for review for Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) Project PI 0009861. Project PI 0009861 proposes to replace the existing southbound and northbound bridges over Rocky Creek, Tobesofkee Creek, and their respective overflows along SR 11/SR 49/US 41 in Bibb County, 1 mile south of Macon. An environmental survey boundary has been established for Phase I review of the project under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA). The environmental survey boundary under consideration in this report is described as 150 ft. offset from the existing roadway centerline for the majority of the project between MP 6.2 and 7.1; this area is considered the Area of Potential Effect (APE) for this project. Existing right-of-way (ROW) for the corridor is 100 ft. offset from the existing centerline.

During archaeological investigations for this project, two historic properties were identified as being in the APE. Through background research, it was identified that a previously documented property, Ocmulgee Old Fields Traditional Cultural Property (TCP) District, lay adjacent to the project corridor on the east. This property is a large district encompassing cultural and natural landscapes of the Ocmulgee River Valley and surrounding landforms and is determined eligible for the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) under Criteria A and D. GDOT will work with project designers to avoid and/or minimize effects to the TCP. Effects to this property will be fully discussed in the forthcoming Assessment of Effect~ (AOE) document.

As a result of Phase I archaeological survey of the APE, one new archaeological site was recorded. Site 9BI233 consists of a scatter of precontact artifacts across an upland flat above Tobesofkee Creek, as well as a later occupational scatter associated with a historic building foundation. Based on artifact analysis, the components of the site may include Early Archaic, Middle Archaic, general Woodland or Mississippian, and 19th-20th century occupations. Full delineation of 9BI233 was limited by the extent of the environmental survey boundary, but it is likely that the site continues east across the upland flat landform above Tobesofkee Creek. Given that the full site's boundaries could not be delineated, this site is recommended as unknown in eligibility for the NRHP, and given the assessment of the site's significance and integrity, the portion of the site within the proposed corridor is recommended as lacking data potential. However, it is recommended that an Environmentally Sensitive Area (ESA) be designated to protect the areas of this site that are outside the project limits in this area during the course of the project's development.