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Phase I Archaeological Addendum Survey for SR 32 over Bear Creek Bridge Replacement, Coffee County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

The purpose of the project is to replace a structurally deficient bridge on SR 32 over Bear Creek in Coffee County, Georgia (see Figure 1). Existing SR 32 at Bear Creek is a two-lane, rural road, with 12-foot wide travel lanes and paved shoulders that vary from 2 to 4 feet wide. This 1 08-foot long bridge was constructed in 1955 and has a sufficiency rating of 51 .30.

The proposed project would construct a new roadway alignment and bridge to the north of the existing bridge over Bear Creek. The new bridge would be approximately 120 feet long and consist of two 12-foot travel lanes and 8-foot shoulders. The new alignment typical section would consist of two 12-foot travel lanes and 1 0-foot (6.5-foot paved) shoulders. The proposed project is approximately .6 mile long. Existing ROW is 100 feet through the project corridor. Additional right-of-way (ROW) up to 70 feet wide is required on the north side of SR 32 to accommodate the roadway realignment.

The project limits have been extended to the west by 550 feet since the original 2016 archaeology survey (Quirk 2016), necessitating the current addendum survey.