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GDOT Archaeological Assessment In-House Survey Report: Addendum to the Intersection Improvements at State Route (SR) 155/ East Broadway St. and North Hill Stree in Griffin

Report Number
Year of Publication

The proposed project will change the intersection of SR 155/North Hill Street, SR 155/East Broadway Street, CS 104705/West Broadway Street, and CS 102005/North Hill Street from a two-way stop-controlled intersection to a signalized intersection. Broadway Street will be widened to the south to include a left-turn lane in both directions. Construction along Broadway will start approximately 478 feet (ft.) before the intersection and end approximately 678ft. after the intersection. No work is proposed along North Hill Street, but the project will tie into the limit of construction of the neighboring proposed LCI project (PI #0010333), at the Broadway Street edge of pavement. Along SR 155/North Hill Street, construction will start just north of the railroad crossing and will consist of replacing in place the median, curb and gutter, and sidewalks. As part of the installation of a new traffic signal at this intersection, strain poles, control boxes, ADA compliant wheelchair ramps, and cross walks will be installed. ·Approximately 0.0037 acres of right-of-way (ROW) is required in the southeast quadrant of the intersection. Easement is anticipated to be approximately 20ft. along Broadway Street and 15ft. along SR 155/North Hill Street.

                The Area of Potential Effect (APE) for the proposed project would include the areas within the existing and proposed ROW and easements for the project. No potential for indirect effects outside this corridor is anticipated as a result of implementation of the proposed project.

                There are five previously recorded archaeological sites within 1 kilometer (km) of the project area. These are all historic scatters associated with commercial or residential occupations from the 19th-20th century. None of these sites is eligible for the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). The sites located within 1 km were recorded during two intersection improvement projects surveyed by Edwards-Pitman in 2011. There has been one previous survey in the corridor, by Cypress Cultural Consultants, for the reduction of lanes along North Hill St. This survey resulted in a report of negative findings (Burnside 2015). One shovel test from this survey could be located within the current APE, but all other locations were not dug due to disturbances. In March of 2016, Pamela Baughman of GDOT performed the original survey of this project; no sites were recorded as a result of this survey.