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Phase I Archaeological Survey of Harper Street Railroad Crossing Closure and Cobb Street Improvements in Fulton County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

The project proposes to close one railroad crossing (Harper Street crossing), improve another {Vine Street crossing), and widen and improve Cobb Street, all immediately adjacent to US29/SR154. The project would close the Harper Street railroad crossing, removing the crossing surfaces and Harper Street pavement between US29/SR154 and Cobb Streets. The project also proposes to improve pavement along Vine Street from 160 feet east of the Vine Street crossing for a distance of 230 feet west to the toe of the road slope of US29/SR 154. Cobb Street, which is east of US29/SR154, is connected to by the Harper Street and Vine Street railroad crossings. Along Cobb street, pavement would be widened a distance of approximately 800 feet beginning approximately 200 feet south of the Harper Street crossing and continue to the Vine Street crossing. The projects would also increase the radius of the edge of pavement between Cobb Street and Vine Street in the northeast quadrant of the intersection. Existing right-of-way {ROW) along Cobb Street, Harper Street, and Vine Street, is 40 feet. Fifty feet of ROW is proposed along Cobb Street only. All other project improvements will occur within existing ROW.