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Cultural Resources Report (GDOT Attatchment 35), Assessment of No Adverse Effect to the Marshall "Marsh" Granade Jr. Homeplace (RO-5), Project STP-9338(5)

Report Number
Year of Publication

The proposed project has been surveyed for historic and archaeological resources in compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 and amendments thereto. The survey boundary and methodology were established using the GDOT /FHW A Cultural Resource Survey Guidelines. These guidelines were established as a result of past interaction with the State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) and his staff and were agreed upon by the Federal Highway Administration (FHW A) and the SHPO. The SHPO's Rockdale County survey for historic resources was consulted in preliminary identification of historic resources. Lists of current and pending National Register properties were checked and aerial photographs along the length of the proposed project were consulted. The state site files at the University of Georgia and existing survey reports were consulted to locate previously identified archaeological sites along the project corridor. Review of topographic maps and aerials to identify high site probability areas within and along the project corridor also was conducted. Additional research into the history and prehistory of the study corridor was conducted in Atlanta at the files located at the SHPO and Garrow & Associates, Inc.'s (Garrow & Associates) corporate library, and the Rockdale County Tax Assessor's Office in Conyers, Georgia. The soil survey data for Rockdale County, Georgia, was also consulted. Field surveys for historic and archaeological resources in or eligible for inclusion in the National Register also were conducted along the corridor of the proposed project. As a result of these efforts, one historic resource, the Marshall "Marsh" Granade Jr. Homeplace (R0-5), was identified within the project's area of potential environmental effect (Figure 1). Per the GDOT, a "Request for Determination of Eligibility" (DOE) for the Marshall "Marsh" Granade Homeplace (R0-5) was not required for this project. The SHPO confirmed the resource's eligibility in a letter dated August 16, 1995. In accordance with 36 CFR 800.4(c)(2), this resource was considered an eligible National Register resource by the FHWA and the SHPO.