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Archaeological Survey of Projects EDS-84(9) and BHF-007-2(33), Brooks County

Report Number
Year of Publication

Project EDS-84(9) consists of the proposed widening and reconstruction of U.S. 84/S.R. 38 from County Road 195 at Dixie to approximately 1000 feet east of County Road 272 (Talloaks Road) in Quitman. Also, included under project number BHF-007-2(33) is the extension of the bridge culvert over Gay Mill Creek. It is proposed to widen the existing two-lane facility to a four-lane rural facility, two-lanes in each direction of travel, separated by a 44 foot depressed grassed median from County Road 195 in Dixie to County Road 305 at the west city limit of Quitman. The proposed widening would occur on the south side of the existing facility. From County Road 305 to the project terminus the existing two-lane facility would be widened symmetrically to provide a four-lane urban facility, two-lanes in each direction of travel separated by a 14 foot wide paved flush median. The existing right-of-way in the rural section is 130 feet (65 ft. lt. and rt. of the centerline) and the proposed minimum right-of-way is 175 feet (65ft. lt. and 110ft. rt.). Existing right-of-way in the urban section varies from 60 to 80 feet and the proposed right- of-way would range symmetrically from 82 to 94 feet. Project length is approximately 6.80 miles.