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Project No. M-2040(1), Muscogee County

Report Number
Year of Publication

Project No. M-2040(1), Muscogee County; Clearinghouse No. 72-06-27-02. As a part of the research carried out on this project, an archaeological assessment of the proposed alignment was made. The first step of the assessment was an examination of the Georgia State site files. Fifty-two sites are recorded for Muscogee County, the high number probably due to the presence of the Fall line and a major river. No National Register sites or State sites are located along the alignment. A study of the topographic quad for the area was the next step and resulted in the pinpointing of several places for special attention. A field survey was conducted during the week of March 29-April 12, 1976. Roaring Branch Creek crosses the project twice and seemed from the map to offer the most likely location for sites. Upon examination, the creek had very little floodplain along it, particularly in the places the project crosses. Its course may have well been affected by the enormous amount of sewer line construction and the artificial drainage ponds. Subsequent logging has further scarred the area. Along the entire line no sites were located.