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Archaeological Survey Report Projects I-185-1(1) 121 Harris County, I-185-1(1) 122 Harris County, and I-185-1(1) 123 Harris-Troup Counties

Report Number
Year of Publication

Archaeological survey of I-185-1(1)121, Harris County, 1-185-1(1)122, Harris County, and

1-185-1(1)123, Harris-Troup Counties. The Clearinghouse Doc. Nos. are 76-06-04-01 and 76-06-08-01. Polecat Creek was the first area examined. A collection of 12 quartz specimens, including three partial projectile points, was taken from the northern side of the creek. The quartz specimens were all collected on the small rise above the floodplain. The southern side seemed to have an extensive floodplain, but upon examination after clearing and grubbing, the floodplain proved to be mostly swamp. No surface materials were discovered on the southern side of the creek. Turkey Creek proved to have little floodplain at the point which the alignment crosses it. A single quartz flake with some evidence of secondary chipping was collected from the north side of the creek. Mountain Oak Creek also had little floodplain at the alignment crossing. A partial chert tools and two quartz flakes were the only artifacts found. They were collected from the small rise on the southern side of the creek. No surface materials were collected at Mulberry Creek.