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Phase II Testing at Site 9HT37 on Robins Air Force Base, Houston County, Georgia

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Recent Phase II testing investigations at site 9HT37, located on Robins Air Force Base in Houston County, Georgia, discovered a multicomponent site that represents Late Archaic and Woodland occupations. The Late Archaic occupation is the most intensive. The cultural deposits are intact and stratified. Other than natural site formation processes that have had a minimal effect on the integrity of the deposits, the cultural material and features present at 9HT37 are undisturbed. Based on these observations, the site is recommended eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). A shovel testing program and two 1 x 1 m test unit excavations were conducted at 9HT37 in order to determine the kinds of cultural resources present at the site and to assess the integrity of the cultural deposits. The information that was obtained was used to evaluate the significance of 9Hf37 and to make recommendations regarding its eligibility for inclusion on the NRHP. A multicomponent site that represents Late Archaic and Woodland occupations was discovered at this location. The Late Archaic occupation is the most intensive. The cultural deposits are intact and stratified. Other than natural site formation processes that have had a minimal effect on the integrity of the deposits, the cultural material and features present at 9HT37 are undisturbed. Based on these observations, the site is recommended eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP).