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Phase I Archaeological Survey of Proposed Improvements and Widening of State Route (SR) 5 from SR 515 in Blue Ridge to Approximately Old Flowers Road, Fannin County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

Edwards-Pitman Environmental, Inc. (EPEI), under a contract with Jacobs Engineering, conducted a Phase I archaeological survey for the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) project to widen and improve State Route (SR) 5 from Blue Ridge to the vicinity of McCaysville in Fannin County, Georgia (P.I. No. 621340). The survey sought to identify archaeological sites and evaluate their eligibility for inclusion on the Georgia Register of Historic Places in order to assist the GDOT in compliance with the Georgia Environmental Policy Act (GEPA), Georgia Code OCGA 12-16-2(3). The criteria for eligibility and procedures for listing resources on the Georgia Register of Historic Places are identical to those of the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP); hence, NRHP eligibility will be referred to throughout this report. The GDOT report summary table (Table 0.1) appears below.

Review of existing records indicated there were no previously recorded sites within the survey area. Survey, however, resulted in a the discovery of 14 newly recorded archaeological sites (Table 0.2). Four historic and one precontact Isolated Finds were identified. Sites 9FN544, 9FN545, 9FN549, 9FN550, 9FN551, 9FN552, 9FN553, 9FN554, 9FN555, 9FN556, and 9FN557 contained predominantly historic components, while sites 9FN546, 9FN547, and 9FN548 contained predominately precontact components. Minor or isolated precontact components were identified at sites 9FN545, 9FN549, 9FN552, and 9FN554. Survey limits prevented complete delineation resulting in incomplete NRHP evaluation at every site within the survey area. Therefore, final NRHP eligibility recommendations in all cases remain unknown. However, for the investigated portion of these sites, survey results either exhausted site data potential or demonstrated a lack of site integrity and/or significant research potential. No further archaeological investigation is recommended.

The establishment of Environmentally Sensitive Areas (ESAs) via orange barrier fencing is recommended in order to prevent adverse effects to archaeological sites and historic cemeteries of unknown eligibility beyond the APE.