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Phase I Archaeological Resources Survey of the Proposed County Road (CR) 30/ Airport Road Bridge Replacement Over Mossy Creek Tributary, White County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

In July 2019, Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. (VHB) conducted a Phase I archaeological resources survey (ARS) of the proposed County Road (CR) 30/Airport Road bridge replacement over Mossy Creek Tributary, located approximately 4.2 miles (mi) (6.75 kilometers [km]) southeast of the City of Cleveland in White County, Georgia (Pl No. 0015616) (Figures 1 and 2). The Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) proposes to replace the existing bridge (Structure ID 311-5004-0) over Mossy Creek Tributary, as the existing structure is below current standards. The existing right-of-way (ROW) is approximately 40 feet (ft) (12 meters [m]); the proposed ROW will be determined as project plans develop. The width of the ESB extends 200 ft (61 m) from either side of the center line. The total length of the project ESB is approximately 2,132 ft (649.8 m).

The project ESB encompasses approximately 19.5 acres (ac) (7.89 hectares [ha]). Background research was conducted through a review of Georgia's Natural, Archaeological, and Historic Resources GIS (GNAHRGIS) database prior to fieldwork. This search revealed one previously recorded archaeological site located within a 1-km radius of the project ESB: 9WH118. Site 9WH118 is an early-twentieth century stoneware pottery site situated approximately 0.55 mi (0.88 km) southeast of the project ESB. The site is recorded as unknown for eligibility for the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) (GASF 1999a). No previous archaeological surveys have been conducted within any portion of the current project ESB.

During the course of the current survey, a total of 95 shovel tests were excavated within the project ESB. All excavated tests were negative for cultural material. Shovel testing efforts were augmented by pedestrian survey (i.e. visual inspection) of the ground surface within the project ESB. One new archaeological site, 9WH167, was identified during survey. Site 9WH167 is a mid-twentieth century refuse site consisting of a surface scatter of rusted metal containers, a variety of glass bottles, and ceramics. The site is located in the northeastern portion of the project ESB, south of CR 30/Airport Road. No additional cultural material or associated features were identified during delineation of the site; the site was fully delineated during survey. The site most likely represents a single historic dumping event that occurred in this area.