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Phase I Archaeological Resources Survey of the Proposed County Street (CS) 666/ Cross Cedar Road Bridge Replacement over Big Cedar Creek, Johnson County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

In July 2019, Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. (VHB) conducted a Phase I archaeological resources survey (ARS) of a proposed Georgia Department of Transportation (GOOD bridge replacement along County Street (CS) 666/Cross Cedar Road over a section of Big Cedar Creek in Johnson County, Georgia (Pl No. 0015613). The existing bridge was constructed in 1964. The bridge structure consists of three spans of reinforced concrete beams on concrete caps with steel piles.

The existing typical section for CS 666/Cross Cedar Road consists of two approximately 10.5-foot (ft) (3-meter [m]) wide travel lanes with 6-ft (1 .8-m) wide, grassed, rural shoulders and a posted speed limit of 35 miles per hour (mph). The existing bridge is below current design standards and is classified as poor. Due to the age of the structure and not meeting current design standards, replacement of this bridge is recommended. The project is in a preliminary concept phase, and the proposed typical section has not yet been determined. The existing right-of-way (ROW) is approximately 100 ft (30.5 m), and the proposed ROW will be determined as project plans develop.

Since the project is in a preliminary concept phase, the Area of Potential Effects (APE) was defined as the total length and width of the Environmental Survey Boundary (ESB). For the purpose of this Phase I archaeological resources survey, the ESB was considered the limits of the survey area. As the limits of the ESB cover all possible design alternatives, no Expanded Survey Corridor (ESC) is required. The ESB for this project has been defined as an area extending 200 ft (61 m) on either side of the centerline of CS 666/Cross Cedar Road and running 1,000 ft (305 m) from either side of the bridge's existing approaches for a total measurement of 400 ft (122 m) in width by 2,120 ft (646 m) in length, and encompassing an area of approximately 19.7 acres (ac) (7.97 hectares [ha]).

Prior to the start of fieldwork, background research was conducted through a review of Georgia's Natural, Archaeological, and Historic Resources GIS (GNAHRGIS) database. As a result of this research, two previously recorded archaeological sites (9JH2 and 9JH19) were identified within a 1-kilometer (km) radius of project ESB. No previous archaeological surveys have been conducted along CS 666/Cross Cedar Road.

During the course of this survey, a total of 72 shovel tests were excavated within the project ESB, 67 of which were negative for cultural material. Five shovel tests were positive for precontact cultural material. Seventeen shovel tests were not excavated due to standing structures and paved areas. These shovel tests were subsequently recorded as "No Digs"; the environment surrounding all shovel test locations was subject to visual inspection. As a result of survey efforts, one new archaeological site (9JH29) was recorded.