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Dallas Modeled


This type was designed by Lewis and Kneberg as a sub-type of Dallas Decorated. This is named for the old town of Dallas, Tennessee, now at the bottom of Chickamauga Lake on the Tennessee River. This type is not recommended for use in Georgia.

Sorting Criteria

Decorated pottery tempered with crushed shell, fine to medium particles. Color is light to dark gray, light and dark brown, and brick red. Known vessel forms include shallow bowls and small globular jars This pottery is decorated with effigies. The effigies are mainly four human heads spaced on the rims of the bowls. When animal effigy heads are used, only one head is attached, with and opposing affixment representing the tail. Some animal effigy elements consists of head, legs, and tail applied to exterior of the bowls. In the case of fish effigies, elements include head, dorsal and ventral fins and tail.

Geographical Range
Found in eastern Tennessee, and perhaps northwestern Georgia.
Chronological Range
Late Mississippian period associated with Dallas and Mouse Creek phases.
Surface Treatment
Pottery Image(s)