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St. Simons Incised and Punctated


This is fiber-tempered pottery from the lower Georgia Coast. These are the original names given to the fiber tempered pottery in Georgia based on work by Preston Holder on St. Simons Island in the 1930s. However this type did not have a written description and people began recognizing that this was the same pottery as the Stallings Island pottery and dropped the use of this name.

Sorting Criteria

Incising and punctating on fiber-tempered pottery. Rims are straight or slightly incurving. Lips are rounded or flattened; sometimes thickened. Vessel forms are simple bowls and bases are rounded or flattened.

Geographical Range
Comparable to types found from Charleston, South Carolina, to the lower St. Johns River in Florida, and at Stallings Island on the Savannah River, and from east-central Georgia.
Chronological Range
Late Archaic St. Simons II phase.
Surface Treatment
Pottery Image(s)