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Marta North Line Aa/deis Environmental Support Studies Archaeological Resources Contract Ex3-3

Report Number
Year of Publication

This report documents the results of a literature and records search conducted on the proposed MARTA North Line. The study area consisted of a proposed corridor, four station sites, a highway interchange and a series of new proposed parking lot sites located in portions of Fulton and DeKalb counties. The various areas surveyed were described under six alternative approaches for expanding MARTA's to the north from the planned Medical Center Station, and under the maximum expansion alternatives service would be extended as far north as Pitts Road. The literature and records search conducted for this project indicated that one archaeological site had been previously reported within the proposed act zone. That site was not completely reported in the site files, and the files did not contain a precise site location. The single reported site could not be relocated -during the field survey. The field survey demonstrated that much of the study area had been previously modified by commercial construction, and that the unmodified areas consisted of rugged, hilly terrain. A single nondiagnostic, prehistoric tool was found during the survey, and was termed "Isolated Artifact #1. A second find of two quartz flakes was denoted "Isolated Find #2." No other prehistoric or historic archaeological resources were found. The report recommends that no additional archaeological investigations be undertaken on the MARTA North Line if it is constructed under one of the existing six alternatives.