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A Cultural Resource Assessment Survey of the Proposed Harry S. Truman Parkway Extension Corridor, Chatham County, Georgia

Report Number
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A cultural resource assessment survey was conducted of the proposed Harry S. Truman Parkway extension corridor, Chatham County, Georgia in September 1993. The survey corridor was approximately 4.1 miles in length, with an average width of 200 feet. The Phase I archaeological investigation included a pedestrian survey over the entire length of the corridor combined with a systematic shovel test survey (30 m interval) of nine archaeological probability areas. In the approximately four mile long corridor, three archaeological sites were recorded. Site 9CH791 is a small prehistoric deposit yielding four aboriginal ceramic sherds, whereas sites 9CH789 and 9CH790 were characterized by diffuse scatters of primarily late nineteenth and early twentieth century artifacts. However, none of these resources is viewed as potentially significant or eligible for nomination to the National Register of Historic Places. Therefore, no further archaeological work is recommended for the Harry S. Truman Parkway extension corridor, and the proposed project can continue as planned without concern for cultural resources.