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Report on Investigations Phase I Research and Recovery Program for Historic Resources Cultural Resources Effects Mitigation Plan, Rocky Mountain Pumped Storage Project, Floyd County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

This report details the results of Phase I of a multi-disciplinary and interdiscipilinary cultural resources investigation at the Rocky Mountain Pumped Storage Project, (RMP) Floyd County, Georgia. Phase I involved an intensive field collection of documentary and oral historical data in Floyd County, Georgia and at regional archival centers. The goals of the Rocky Mountain Phase I report are threefold. The first goal involves the preservation of research opportunity. By collecting and preserving documentary and oral historical data in a structured and systematic manner, the resultant data sets are available for future researchers to develop historical syntheses and critical studies of the project area. The second goal of the study is the development of a research design which would allow the evaluation of the available data base in terms of reasonability and reliability for answering the proposed research questions. The final goal of the present study is to develop concrete recommendations for archeological and additional historical research in Phase II (testing and data recovery) of the overall RMP study.