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Report on Investigation Phase II, Task 1 and 2, Research and Recovery Program for Historic Resources Cultural Resource Effects Mitigation Plan Rocky Mountain Pumped Storage Project, Floyd County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

This report details the results of Phase II, Task 1 and 2, Research and Recovery Program for Historic Resources at the Rocky Mountain Pumped Storage Project (RMP) in Floyd County, Georgia. It involved archaeological survey and testing of eight cultural properties and data recovery from four of these properties. Nine historic components, ranging in age from the 1840s to the 1970s, have been investigated. Phase II, Task 1 and 2 also involved the continued collection of documentary material relating to Texas Valley and its inhabitants. A small amount of oral history was collected to supplement that from Phase I. The research design developed for Phase I has been revised to incorporate further the concepts of enterprises and their succession. Recommendations are presented for further work, based on an evaluation of the entire Phase II, Task 1 and 2 data base with respect to the research questions.