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An Intensive Cultural Resource Assessment Survey of the Proposed Ling Reach 115kv Tap Transmission Line Corridor and Proposed Long Reach 115/25 Kv Substation

Report Number
Year of Publication

A cultural resource assessment survey was conducted of the proposed Long Reach 115 kV Tap Transmission Line Corridor and Long Reach 115/25 kV Substation, Long County, Georgia in July 1996. The archaeological investigation included a pedestrian survey of an approximately 1.6 mile by 100 foot wide corridor and a 6 acre substation location. In addition, shovel test sampling at 30 meter intervals was conducted within four archaeological probability zones. The sampled areas included three upland locations along the route and the proposed substation location, a few additional tests were dug in low areas to document the saturated nature of soils in those areas. This report describes the environmental and cultural setting of the project vicinity, provides a review of previous archaeological research in the area, and discusses the methods and results of the investigation. As a result of fieldwork, one archaeological site (9LG62) was recorded and three prehistoric isolated finds, each consisting of a single chert flake, were encountered. Site 9LG62 is a prehistoric artifact scatter that does not meet the criteria for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. No additional testing is recommended within the project area, and it is recommended that the proposed project proceed as planned.