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Archaeological Survey of the Industrial Park Way Corridor, Barrow County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

On 14 May 1999, Brockington and Associates, Inc. conducted an intensive archaeological survey of the proposed Industrial Park Way corridor. Project goals included location and evaluation of any archaeological resources in the project corridor, and the development of management recommendations. The proposed corridor, which begins at the terminus of Park Road just off of S.R. 316 and ends at Patrick Mill Road, is 0.85 mile (1.36 km) long and 100 feet (30 m) wide. The survey consisted of both field and archival investigations. Review of the State Site Files Database maintained by the Department of Anthropology, University of Georgia revealed no archaeological sites in the project corridor nor within a 0.5 mile (0.8 km) radius. Likewise, an examination of the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) documented no listed or eligible archaeological properties in or adjacent to the corridor. Field investigations consisted of systematic pedestrian survey of the proposed corridor, including surface inspection and the excavation of shovel tests at 100 feet (30 m) intervals along a single transect. No archaeological resources were identified during the course of this investigation. The proposed corridor is recommended for clearance.