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Phase I Archaeological Survey of Lithonia Industrial Boulevard Extension DeKalb County, Georgia (See Also Addendum Report 3072)

Report Number
Year of Publication

A cultural resources survey of the proposed extension of Lithonia Industrial Boulevard in DeKalb County, Georgia was conducted by New South Associates October 23 and 24, 2001. The survey area consisted of an approximately two mile long corridor with a 100 foot right-of-way. One archaeological site (9DA367), the remains of a mill race and two dams, was identified during the survey. The site lies entirely outside of the formal survey area and should not be impacted. No other archaeological remains were located. Since no archaeological sites were located within the survey area, no further archaeological work is recommended. The project as currently proposed does not appear to directly impact site 9DA367. However, should the project area change and the site be threatened, additional evaluation would be needed to determine whether it is eligible for the National Register.