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An Intensive Cultural_Resources Survey of Selected Areas Covering 13,265 Acres of Fort Benning Military Reservation, Georgia Volume III, Intensive Survey of Training Area G6, Fort Benning, Chatahoochee Country, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

Under a continuing services contract with the U.S. Army Infantry Center, Directorate of Public Works, Environmental Division, Fort Benning Military Reservation, Panamerican Consultants, Inc. (PCI) conducted an intensive archaeological survey of 839 ac. within selected areas of land management Training Area G6, Fort Benning, Georgia. This work was undertaken in compliance with Section 110 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) of 1996. A total of 36 archaeological loci (20 sites and 16 isolated finds) were identified during the project. The NRHP status of one site (9CE2229) was deemed indeterminate, while the other 35 loci were determined to be ineligible for NRHP inclusion. Protective measures are recommended for 9CE2229.