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Archaeological Investigation, Proposed Archaeological Education Area, Crooked River State Park, Camden County

Report Number

Crooked River State Park (Figure 1) proposes using a small area near the Park Nature Center for conducting "mock digs" to train students in archaeological methods. The purpose of this survey was to ensure that no significant archaeological resources would be damaged by the project. The Georgia Archaeological Site File, maintained by the Anthropology Department at the University of Georgia, shows that no sites have been recorded in or near the survey area. The survey was conducted on August 24 by Historic Preservation Division Staff Archaeologist Ronnie Rogers. The proposed mock dig site is located adjacent to and east of an archery range that was surveyed last year. This is a sparsely wooded area with a dense undergrowth of palmetto. There was no surface visibility. Four shovel tests were placed in an area of about 40 x 40 meters. Soil stratigraphy in all the tests was similar, and consisted of ca. 4 cm of dark organic sand over white sand. Test depths ranged from 50 - 60 centimeters below the surface. Soil was screened through 1/4" hand screens and the holes were backfilled. GPS readings were taken at each of the shovel tests. The center of the area is at 81.55717° West, 30.84156° North. Based on results of this investigation, the proposed educational activity area will have no effect on significant archaeological resources.