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Thomasville Airport Expansion Cultural Resources Survey

Report Number
Year of Publication

Brockington and Associates, Inc. has completed cultural resources background research and field investigation for the proposed runway expansion of the Thomasville Airport in Thomas County, Georgia. This letter report summarizes the Cultural Resources Survey carried out on April 19th, 2005 for the proposed runway expansion. The field methods, results and recommendations are addressed, along with a brief description of the conditions encountered. This fieldwork was carried out in accordance with guidelines devised for the National Historic Preservation Act, Section 106 and by personnel qualified under 36CFR Part 61. The project area as detailed on the concept plans encompasses an area of approximately 25 acres adjacent to the end of the northeast runway of the Thomasville Airport (Figures 1 and 2). An area of potential effect for historic structures was considered to extend in a radius of 1 mile around the property (see Figure 1). No previously identified archaeological or architectural resources were identified within the 1 mile radius around the project tract.