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Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Widening of SR 133 Between Moultrie and Albany, Dougherty, Worth, and Colquitt Counties, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

Terracon conducted an intensive archaeological resource survey (Phase I Archaeological Survey and a limited Phase 11 Investigation) in preparation for the widening of SR 133 between Moultrie, Colquitt County, through the southwest conger of Worth County to Albany, Dougherty County, in accordance with a contract from JB Trimble and GDOT. A distance of approximately 50.7 lam (31.5 mi) was surveyed adjacent to the existing two-lane SR 133 right-of-way (ROW) and in areas where ROW is to be acquired. Fieldwork was conducted from November 2005 through October 2006. GDOT divided this project into four contracts, which are shown below. Contract PI Number Counties Miles (km) 6 STP-000-00(520) 000520 Colquitt 12.3 (19.8) 8 STP-000-00(475) 000475 Worth 3.6 (5.8) 10 STP-000-00(473) 000473 Dougherty 7.93 (12.8) The Area of Potential Effect (APE) was determined from color aerial images, provided by JB Trimble, with a scale of one inch to 200 feet that were overlain with the proposed ROW changes. The existing ROW on SR 133 varies from 100 feet to 180 feet and an additional 100 feet to 200 feet would be required. Width of ROW for proposed bypasses varies from 200 feet to 400 feet depending on the availability of new ROW. The ROW of the intersecting roads (30) ranges from 100 feet to 125 feet, depending on the intersection improvement plans. The majority of the project would accommodate two 12-foot lanes separated by 44-foot depressed grassy median and 10-foot shoulders. In more populated areas, such as Mock Highway in Albany, the paired lanes and shoulders will be separated by raised concrete medians. Several roads intersecting SR 133 will be realigned to facilitate safer intersections. Three sections of new ROW are to be acquired for major bypasses. The Pecan City bypass will require approximately 1.6 kin (1 mi) of new ROW, which will pass north of the existing ROW. The County Line Road bypass will require approximately 2.2 Ian (1.4 mi) of new ROW, which will pass north of the existing ROW. The Doerun bypass will require approximately 4.5 Ian (2.8 mi) of new ROW that will pass north of the City of Doerun. The widening of SR 133 will be symmetrical in places where circumstances permit. However, in places where constraints such as the railroad ROW are present the widening will be asymmetrical. Therefore, the APE consists of the entire length of the project, all ROW acquired for widening, all intersection improvements, and the ROW acquired for new bypasses. A file review was conducted at the Georgia Archaeological Site Files and at the Historic Preservation Division to determine if there are any reported archaeological sites located in or near the project APE. According to the GASF, there are no recorded archaeological sites located within the project APE; however, two archaeological surveys have been conducted near the APE. These surveys located 13 archaeological sites; however, none of them are recorded as eligible for the NRHP. An online review was conducted of the NRHP to identify any listed archaeological resources within the APE. The review indicated that there are no NRHP listed archaeological sites within the project APE. Consequently, no previously recorded archaeological sites would adversely affected by the proposed widening of the existing SR 133. Forty-five archaeological occurrences were found during the survey, 39 of which are archaeological sites and six are isolated finds. Two sites, 9WO41 and 9DU173 were tested further with close interval shovel testing and formal excavation units. The lm by lm test at 9DU173 uncovered a feature with an abundance of historic artifacts. Additional close order shovel tests were excavated on a 10 in interval and the original test unit was expanded to one-by-two meters and two additional 1 in by 2 m units were excavated. An area of 145 m2 was mechanically stripped and examined, however no cultural features were found. Consequently, 9DU 173 is not recommended eligible for the National Register of Historic Places. At site 9WO41 a lm by lm unit produced an abundance of lithic material. In light of this, additional testing involved close order shovel tests on a 10 m grid and the excavation of four lm by 2m test units was undertaken. Site 9WO41 did not yield cultural features or intact cultural strata. Therefore, it is not recommended for listing on the National Register of Historic Places. At site 9WO39, an unmarked historic cemetery was delineated and determined to be outside of the project APE. None of the archaeological sites are recommended eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places and no further archaeological testing is recommended.