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Rumble Road to Forsyth #2 115 kV Transmission Line, Monroe County, Georgia

Report Number
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Georgia Transmission Corporation (GTC) proposes to construct the Rumble Road to Forsyth #2 115 kV transmission line adjacent to an existing transmission line in Monroe County, Georgia (Figure 1). Greenhorne & O'Mara, Inc. (G&O) conducted a Phase I archaeological survey during the month of May 2000, in compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended through 1992 (16 U.S.C. 470). The survey documented the presence or absence of cultural resources potentially eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). The scope of the project included background research, archaeological field survey, artifact analysis, and evaluation of the NRHP eligibility of any archaeological resources identified within the project area. All work was conducted in accordance with the guidelines of the Georgia State Historic Preservation Office (GaSHPO 1993). Background research indicated that small, low density lithic scatters representing temporary camps are frequently found in the uplands of Monroe County. Thus, the probability of identifying small prehistoric lithic scatters was judged to be high. Examination of available historic maps, dating from 1920, 1939, 1951, and 1956 identified only a single structure possibly within the project area south of Juliette Road. In addition, the project area crosses several roads which can be considered prime locations for historic habitation. Consequently the potential for historic archaeological resources was considered high. The survey was begun in the northern portion of the project area at its intersection with the Forsyth #2 Substation located on Powerplant Road. Across its seven-mile length it traversed areas of heavy disturbance, including lawns, paving parking areas, grading, and severe erosion. The southern portion of the project area was more heavily dissected with steeper slopes and greater erosion. Some active pasture land was also noted. A total of six archaeological sites, four prehistoric sites of unknown date and two 20' century historic sites as well as a single prehistoric isolated find were identified within the project area corridor. While the location of these sites can add to our knowledge of prehistoric and historic settlement patterning, the lack of clear historical associations on the part of one of the historic sites, and the lack of datable artifacts in the case of the prehistoric sites and the second historic site reduces the potential of these resources to provide important information about life in the past. The sites appear to be ineligible for listing on the NRHP. Accordingly, no further archaeological investigation of these sites is recommended. It is concluded that the proposed construction of the Rumble Road to Forsyth #2 115 kV Transmission Line will have no effect on significant archaeological resources.