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Cultural Resource Survey for the Proposed Basin-Toccoa 116kV Transmission Line, Polk County, Tennessee, & Fannin County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

In April and May, 2000, TRC Garrow Associates, Inc., conducted a cultural resources survey of the proposed TVA Basin-Toccoa 161-kV transmission line and Toccoa 161-kV substation. The project area begins at an existing substation north of Copper Hill, Polk County, Tennessee, and extends to the proposed new Toccoa substation, approximately '/4 mile northwest of Blue Ridge Dam, in Fannin County, Georgia. This report discusses the portion of the survey in Georgia; consisting of an 8.8-mile segment of the 11.4 m (37.5 feet) wide transmission line corridor and the 3-acre substation. In addition, two sections of the corridor have an additional right-of-way 3.8 m (12.5 feet) wide. Background research indicated that one archaeological site exists within the project corridor. The site was relocated during the survey. It is out of the archaeological Area of Potential Effect (APE) for the transmission line, since they are in the Toccoa River. Three historic archaeological resources and one isolated find were identified during the survey. No additional archaeological investigations are recommended for these sites.