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Cultural Resources Survey of the Coosa Mitigation Bank, Floyd County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

In September 2007 Southern Research conducted a cultural resources survey of three areas that comprise the Coosa Mitigation Bank in Floyd County, Georgia (Figure 1 - all figures are appended). The APE (Area of Potential Effect) is confined to these three areas covering approximately 67 acres. The visual APE also is defined as the 67 acre area. The project area is located north of Cave Spring and southwest of Rome in Vann's Valley along tributaries of Cedar Creek. The work was carried out under the supervision of Principal Investigator W. Dean Wood. The goal of the Mitigation Bank is to generate mitigation credits by restoring degraded streams, and restoring and repairing riparian buffers. Because some earth disturbing activities are associated with the stream restoration work, compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act is necessary. The Phase One Survey was conducted in an Area of Potential Effect (APE) determined to be the locations that will be impacted by the proposed stream restoration work (see Figure 1). During the survey no historic buildings were found but three archaeological sites were recorded. All three of these sites are recommended ineligible for listing in the NRHP and the Principal Investigator recommends no further work.