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Archeological and Historical Resources: The Little Satilla Watershed, Appling and Wayne Counties, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

During June 1976 an intensive survey within the Little Satilla Watershed was undertaken to determine the presence of archeological and historical sites and to determine the impact of proposed stream channelization on them. The area surveyed is located in Appling and Wayne counties, Georgia between the towns of Surrency and Odum. A total of 30 person-work-days were spent in the field performing the survey which was directed by Dr. Rochelle Marrinan, Museum Associate in Archeology, The Florida State Museum. Dr. Jerald T. Milanich, Assistant Curator in Archeology, The Florida State Museum, was responsible for overall supervision of the project. During the survey no prehistoric or historic sites of sufficient note to warrant mitigation were discovered within the area to be disturbed by channelization. Consequently, no recommendations are made concerning preservation or excavation of cultural resources. No previous surveys of the area proposed for channelization have been carried out. The present land ownership of the survey area is principally paper companies--Union Camp, ITT Rayonier, Container Corporation, and Brunswick Pulp and Paper--and numerous private individuals. One section is public, owned by the Wayne County Correctional Institute.