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9CY(DOT)10, Unpublished Field Notes Volume V

Report Number
Year of Publication

Site 9CY(DOT)10 was located on 29 April 1996 during an archaeological survey for Georgia Department of Transportation project EDS-27(159) in Randolph and Clay Counties. The proposed project allows for the widening and reconstruct SR 1/US 27 from a point just north of the Randolph / Clay County line southerly to Bluffton, Georgia. Site 9CY(DOT)10 was located within the proposed project's area of potential environmental effect. Site 9CY(DOT)10 is a moderate density prehistoric lithic scatter and historic scatter. The site is located on a bluff approximately 30 m (98.4 ft) west of US 27 and approximately 4.5 m (15, ft) north of CR 40. The artifact assemblage included 1 chert cobble, chert shatter, 6 chert flakes, 1 chert thumbnail scraper, 7 stoneware fragments, 7 plain whiteware fragments, 2 milk glass fragments, 3 brick fragments, 10 historic glass fragments, 3 decal print whiteware fragments, 1 transfer print porcelain fragment, 2 transfer print whiteware fragments. Survey investigations were limited to surface collection and minimal shovel testing. National Register standing concerning 9CY(DOT)10 is considered ineligible. No further cultural resource management consideration is recommended at this time.