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Addendum to Phase 1 Archaeological Survey for the Proposed Bridge Replacement of CR 246/Brownwood Road over Big Indian Creek, Morgan Coutny, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

Project CSBRG-0007-00(394) consists of replacing the structurally deficient, existing bridge on CR 246 over Big Indian Creek in Morgan County, Georgia. The total project length is approximately 1,700 feet beginning at M.P. 5.690 and extending to M.P. 6.040. The proposed typical section would consist of two 11-foot travel lanes with 2-foot paved shoulders and 4-foot grassed shoulders. The majority of the project takes place within existing ROW, except for three small areas where it is needed for drainage features. Analysis of the design shows that 0.03 acre of ROW would be needed along with 1.82-acre of permanent easement. The permanent easement is required for construction purposes. The width of ROW would be approximately 110 feet. The width of the required easements would typically be approximately 130 feet except at the location of a sediment basin where it would be 230 feet. The typical section of the bridge would consist of a 28-foot wide concrete structure that would be 200 feet long and consist of two 11-foot travel lanes and 3-foot shoulders. CR 246 will be closed during construction.