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Archaeological Survey of Project CSSTP-0006-00(453), PI#0006453, Coweta County

Report Number
Year of Publication

The proposed project would consist of traffic ignal upgrades at three intersections along the roadways of SR 14 and SR 16 in Newnan, Coweta County. These intersections are as follows: SR 14 at Powell Street, SR 34/Jefferson Street at SR 16/Clark Street, and SR 14/Jackson Street at SR 16/Clark Street. The projbct plans to upgrade traffic signal displays and signal control equipment, provide better signal coordination through new signal interconnection cable, and improve pedestrian safety with crosswalks, pedestrian signals, and sidewalk ramps where appropriate. This project was originally surveyed and cleared by Edwards-Pitman Environmental in 2007 and included four intersections and no reported required right of way or easements. Since that time, one intersection has been deleted from the project, and small amounts of right-of-way and permanent easement would be required from particular quadrants at each of these intersections. The total amount of permanent easement required is 0.1516 acre at one intersection and the total amount of required right-of-way includes 0.0181 acre at three intersections. An archeological survey consistent with these project specifications was performed within the project corridor. An archeological survey (Level I) was conducted in accordance with "GDOT/FHWA Cultural Resource Survey Guidelines" developed by the GDOT Staff Archeologists in consultation with DNR Historic Preservation Division Staff and concurred in by the Federal Highway Administration and State Historic Preservation Officer, These guidelines provide general survey boundaries and methodological approaches to archeological surveys based on the type/scope of work of proposed highway projects and are followed during the initial identification of archaeological resources. By agreement, e no archaeological resources were located within the project's area of potential effect, no signed concurrence form the State Historic Preservation Officer is required. It is concluded, therefore, that the project will have no effect upon archaeological resources on or eligible for inclusion in the NRHP provided that the project conforms to that described above.